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NATWORK Project focusing on an AI-based 6G cybersecurity and resilience framework

NATWORK project kick off was held earlier this year with the cooperation of 14 partners from 10 EU countries. The consortium has a diverse set of competences, including user-centric services development, viable economic and business models, cybersecurity, interoperability, and on-demand, door-to-door services. The list of participants are the following:

The ambition of the NATWORK project is to set the core elements and deploy the very first economically realistic, energy efficient and viable bio-inspired AI-based 6G cybersecurity and resilience framework for intelligent networking and services. This framework will be focused on networking distributed systems that transcend a single administrative domain and cross a heterogeneous fabric of resources. NATWORK will conduct research that is novel in four areas as depicted below:

  • It will close the security gap in innovation between software systems, resource management and networking architectures;
  • It will enable multiple providers to interconnect resources and services using simplified secure-by-design interfaces;
  • AI will be natively integrated into several layers of the network;
  • It will provide a holistic framework to defend against Physical Layer Attacks.

This idea is motivated by the new ICT systems landscape and 6G vision, in which a huge number of service providers may coexist near end-users (i.e. at the network edge, or even beyond the edge) and require to distribute - while interconnect - their services over a cloud-native infrastructure in a secure and energy efficient way, while various threats in the physical layer (i.e. jamming attacks) may hinder this procedure.
From an end-user perspective, NATWORK innovation will pave the way for a new model of secure services. An end-user would not have to subscribe to a single provider in order to receive a secure service but rather subscribe for a service irrespective of the provider, expecting it to hop across multiple providers.
Conclusively, the goal of NATWORK project is to improve the malleability and the self-resilience of future 6G network ecosystems to offer augmented and secure services at the lowest energy costs.